Carpooling / Vanpooling

TravelWise With Family, Friends and Coworkers

Using a carpool for your daily commute is becoming more and more common in Utah. Carpooling involves more than one person traveling together in a car and can be used for many occasions. This includes commuting to work, attending special events or taking kids to school and recreational activities. While this strategy requires some coordination of schedules, it can be easily implemented to achieve significant results.


Anyone who sets up a carpool for their commute will quickly see savings on gas, car maintenance and even parking fees. Outside of the immediate benefits, however, carpoolers enjoy more personal time and the ability to travel in the HOV/express lane. As an added bonus, more people carpooling means fewer cars on the road, which makes traveling easier for everyone. Not to mention, you might get to know your coworkers or friends a little better.

Getting Started

When forming a carpool or vanpool group, think of the places you go and consider others in your area that might be going to the same place. Talk to neighbors, coworkers, friends and other parents to determine their level of interest in starting a carpool. Establish a driving schedule and a meeting place or pick-up time. There are many free-to-use carpool-matching websites available online, including our TravelWise Tracker, which is available here and in the resources below.

Find Others to Carpool/Vanpool with on Your Route

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