There’s no time
like me-time.

If only the world could see you now, making the most of your “me” time. You’re saving the earth, one terrifically tracked trip at a time. And while some people just stick to driving, you’re rethinking your route like a rocket scientist, calculating the distance between every street corner and cul-de-sac to keep the air cleaner. So, track away, my friend, your “me” time means a better world for the rest of us.

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What does it mean to TravelWise

TravelWise is an initiative that invites Utahns to rethink their trip. By driving less and driving smarter, individuals, businesses and communities can ultimately help improve air quality, optimize mobility, improve health and conserve energy in Utah. TravelWise today by using the strategies below.

TravelWise Tracker

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Rethinking your trip with the TravelWise Tracker

Why TravelWise?

There are countless reasons to TravelWise. When you rethink your trip, you can improve your health, mobility, energy use and our air quality.


The more you TravelWise, the more health benefits you'll see. This includes both physical health benefits from walking or biking, and mental health benefits from traveling with friends and skipping traffic congestion.

Energy Use

When you TravelWise, you can reduce the amount of energy you use, resulting in more money in your pocket and less congestion on our roads.


When you TravelWise, you remove your car from the road. This means you get to spend less time caught in traffic and everyone else can enjoy improved mobility.

Air Quality

It's no secret that the emissions from your car aren't great for our air quality. When you TravelWise, you reduce the number of cars on the road and reduce the pollution in our air.

TravelWise Strategies

Carpooling / Vanpooling

Not only will it save you money on gas, parking fees and maintenance, but you may even get to know some of your co-workers better.

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Public Transit

Take the stress out of your commute by riding public transit and using your time to work, read or even sleep while you travel.

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Skip the Trip

By avoiding unnecessary trips in combination with other TravelWise strategies, you can improve Utah’s air quality and spend less time waiting in traffic.

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Teleworking not only saves time that would otherwise be spent traveling, but it also saves money on gas and parking. Remember, you can "work from home," from anywhere.

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Trip Chaining

If you link your stops together, you can save yourself some time, conserve gas and help keep congestion down.

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Plan Ahead

Even just taking a second before you leave to think about your trip can help you TravelWise.

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Active Transportation

Busy schedules can make staying active difficult. But, by choosing to bike or walk on your commute, you can be healthy and help keep our air healthy, too.

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Alternative Work Schedules

Changing your schedule could improve your quality of life. By using flexible work schedules or compressed workweeks, you can skip rush hour traffic and save yourself some time.

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