Why Should I TravelWise?

Sterling Poulson is familiar to Utahns as the face of KUTV’s weather and news team for over two decades. After he retired, his schedule changed. However, he knew his labradoodle Wolfie couldn’t just lay around. This motivated Sterling to get exercise on their daily two-mile walks. Sterling knows that pets have a special way of gently nudging people to stay active, embrace the outdoors, and connect with neighbors and community–which is good for the body and mind. What’s your TravelWise why?

The advantages of choosing to TravelWise stretch far and wide. Each TravelWise strategy offers unique benefits, like improved physical and mental health, convenience, saved time and money, and others. Which one or more of the TravelWise strategies you choose, along with the accompanying benefits, depends on your personal situation and priorities.

Stories of Utahns from different walks of life who choose to TravelWise are included below. Learn how deciding to TravelWise has improved their lives.

Maybe choosing to TravelWise can be a game changer for you, too.

Sterling Poulson’s Advice: Walk, Carpool, Ride UTA TRAX


“I went golfing with four guys and it turned out they all lived within five blocks of me and we all drove separate cars. I scolded them a little. I said, ‘Why didn’t you call me? We could’ve all driven together.’”

Sterling Poulson is a familiar face to Utahns, having graced screens as the face of KUTV’s weather and news team for over two decades. Although retired from his regular on-air duties, Sterling remains an active force as the Chief Meteorologist for 2News, while also lending his time and expertise to various boards and his choir. In his retirement years, Sterling has discovered many TravelWise opportunities and hopes other seniors will catch the same vision, whether that be walking, carpooling, or riding UTA TRAX.

Richard’s Story: Walk


“My ability to walk, bike, and ride TRAX in the downtown area where I live and work makes Salt Lake such a manageable city for me. Everything is close-by and convenient, and then I can spend my weekends walking some more in Utah’s beautiful mountains. ”

Tristin & Mike's Story: Bike

“Biking leads to happiness and a healthy lifestyle. It combines mobility and exercise. In my eyes, I can either exercise separately later or I can combine it and make it part of my daily routine.”

Nate’ Story: Roll

“Rolling to work on my scooter helps me enjoy the journey. It gets me outside and lets me get some fresh air. It also helps save on gas and is eco-friendly. It kind of gives me a ‘cool factor’ too when I tell people I’m commuting on a scooter.”

Ollie’s Story: Bus

“Taking the bus feels more like an adventure than riding in a car. I also get to notice a lot more of the city and make friends when I ride the bus.”

Spencer’s Story: Rail


“The amount of stress and anxiety I have in my life is at an all-time low, and I attribute it to taking UTA FrontRunner. I’m also able to find some time to be social with other passengers. I can just chat with other riders about anything and it’s really nice. That’s something you don’t find in a car.”

Tyler’s Story: Carpool


“There are many advantages to carpooling. It saves gas money. It’s healthy for the environment. It’s safer because it means there’s someone to watch your back. I also like to socialize and make connections with other people.”

Brian Head’s Story: Vanpool

"Using vanpool has benefited Brian Head Resort in multiple ways. It ensures that our employees get to work safely and reliably. It's a great recruiting tactic for us to offer them transportation."

Jessica’s Story: Trip Chain

“I don’t like to leave the house when I don’t have to because it disrupts things. Life gets more chaotic, and I waste money on gas and time in traffic. When I trip chain, or group my errands together, it keeps my schedule at home running smoother. All the pieces of my life fit together so much better.”

Richard’s Story: Skip the Trip

“Organizing my errands during the week and skipping unnecessary trips means I get to spend more time on the weekends enjoying life in Utah’s mountains. It frees up my time for the things I really love doing.”

Jayson’s Story: Remote Work

“Remote work allows me to progress professionally while also spending more time around the people I care most about. It’s given our family the flexibility to live closer to extended family and give back to the community where I grew up.”

Katy’s Story: Flexible Work Schedule

“A flexible work schedule gives me more time with my family and more time back into my day. I used to feel like it was a mad dash to get to bedtime, but now I have time to relax. I have time to make dinner. We are able to go for walks and stuff like that in the evening.”